Friday, April 4, 2008

Truth and Feeling
“If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine;
and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free..” John 8:31-32

“. . . I don’t feel that you are right, so I know that you are wrong.[1]

There is a subtle battle raging between feelings and Truth[2] and feelings are winning. Many hold to the philosophy of the opening quote, feelings trump Truth.
Some, on the other hand, have responded with an over emphasis on Truth. “Oh, you shouldn’t feel that way because the Truth is . . .” Such a statement discounts the reality of feelings when they are in conflict with Truth. At times such an attitude equates feelings with sin, bringing two possible results. First, a person with feelings contrary to Truth may be burdened with guilt for having feelings instead of living by Truth. Second, a person may intentionally put feelings above Truth, judging Truth by feelings instead of vise-versa.
The Truth is there need be no battle between feelings and Truth. It is not a matter of which is real, both are. It is a matter of balance and dominion. When a conflict between what is True and how you feel comes up, where you put the weight of your decision to act is vital.
When you allow feelings to dominate, making Truth its servant, discontentment and/or depression will be the eventual outcome. This is inevitable because feelings do not change what is True. Truth has a way of being consistent. All the feelings to the contrary will not change life as God has made it.
Conversely, when Truth dominates, making feelings its servant, life is richer. There is freedom to live life abundantly[3] when Truth is the filter.
In all cases, Truth must be the dominate filter through which feelings are assessed before action is taken. Truth does not eliminate or change feelings; it directs them in the right avenue of action.
Satan would have you feel abandoned and betrayed by God. He would have you feeling lonely and depressed. The Truth is that God has said He will never leave you or forsake you[4]. With Truth as your filter, you know that feelings to the contrary are false, regardless of how real they feel.
There is one vital ingredient in keeping feelings under the dominion of Truth and living in freedom. That ingredient is to know Truth by abiding in God’s Word. The Holy Spirit will teach you and guide you to the Truth[5] of every situation when you are willing to be taught and led by Him.
How do you feel about that?

© Written by Richard L. Roberts, director of Life Focus Ministries.

[1] Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand, pg. 385
[2] Truth is the person of Jesus Christ. John 14:6
[3] John 10:10
[4] Hebrews 13:5
[5] John 16:13

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